Monday, February 7, 2011

Pics from the snow storm

It was certainly a big one, though maybe not "Colossal" like was predicted, but we did get a lot of snow! The weekend just flew by, but the good news - i've found somewhere to live! Yay! I'm going to sign the contract this afternoon, so by the end of the month, right before I head to Alaska, I can move in. It's not a long term solution (duplex in town), but I have to keep thinking that buying a place in a year or two is on the radar, so it doesn't have to be a long term solution - and until then, it's totally doable. It'll be so nice to be somewhere I can unpack - i've been living out of a suitcase since late October now, so i'm ready! 

Here are some pics from the storm. 

Some icicles hanging outside my apartment window.

The snow coming down - we had a good 1.5-2ft of snow on Weds. 

A break in the snow so I walked down the hill to my office to do some work and grab a coffee. 

Some equipment in the snow. 

Snow Belle wrapped in a blanket. It took 2 days to get her out of there! 

The Flowing Seawater laboratory in the snow. 

Looking down to the water. On Thursday we went diving again - #12 done - yay! 

I thought a little measuring was in order. 16 inches in the middle, over 1 meter in some of the snow banks. We've unfortunately had rain since, so there's now just a lot of slush around. 


BSA said...

Wow! Welcome back and congratulations on your new home! How do you even move around in all that snow? Can your car get throught it? 4 months from a suitcase would try the patience of a saint! Include your address soon.

Nicola said...

Wow. It has been in the 60s and 70s here.