Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Catch Up - A walk in the woods...and a cycle....and a swim...

3. Just got back from Acadia, and a weekend of camping with Brandon, my new someone special, and a day of work diving off Mount Desert Island. It was a fun weekend. One day of sunshine, cycling and a little hiking; one day of rain and a drive and sightseeing and one day of sunshine and diving. Not bad at all! 

4. Picked up my Barkley today from the kennel after the weekend away. The lovely lady there made the innocent comment "she's slowing down isn't she", which had me in tears on the drive out of there. Yes she is slowing down (though hard to tell when she leaps out of the car when we get into work and goes full dash into the dumpster after a chipmunk...). Makes me realise just how much I love having Miss Barkley be a part of my life, and how much i'm going to miss her. Hopefully it'll be a good few years yet. She turns 12 next month. I think a party might be in order. 

5. Gearing up to head to Chile and the Patagonian fjords on Monday. Will be there for a week. Have some interesting websites planned, so stay tuned for how to stay tuned to where I am.....

Jordon Pond and the Bubbles. 

Brandon cycling on the awesome carriage trails. Amazing he put up with the incredibly slow me.....


Bubbles Pond. 

Looking out from Cadillac Mountain. 

Raindrops on some beach roses. Beautiful. 


Bass Harbor Lighthouse bell. 

Seal Harbor - the dive site for the graduate student I was helping for the day. 

Getting ready to jump in with graduate student Chris. The project is looking at lobsters settling on artificial moorings. 

Diving in a wetsuit. I tell you now that doesn't happen too often.....which is why i'm layering two on top of eachother....:)


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