Thursday, November 22, 2007

One more time.....

My Thanksgiving present today has been to have Riley over just one more time! we had a wonderful day - went to Dan and Cls new house (congrats!), picked up the Riley boy, went for a romp with Niko (Kathy) and Milo (Kate) which all the boys loved and worked a charm to wear them thoroughly out. Then some wonderful turkey dinner at "Chez Catanach" and i'm just about ready to be rolled off the couch and into bed!

Hope you all had a good one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful dog. Do him a favor and give him a terrier cut, complete with a good stripping -- I suspect it will be quite flattering for Riley, and very comfortable too. It'll then become pretty obvious what kind of dog Riley is ;-). He's certainly got the classic behaviors.