Sunday, July 20, 2008

Station E

Lat - 65' 66S
Long - 67' 18W
Water Depth - 520m
Air Temperature - -2.1C
Sea State - light pancakes and slick ice

Well we're here, got here around 3pm, so I actually got a few hours to catch up with things this afternoon. Though I admit that catching up with things happened to be watching a movie with Stian....:0) Not too much here for me at this station, though i'll get up for the trawl happening about 5am to check for any corals and such. I got a few last year, some good anemones too, so that would be nice. Next stop in 3 days will be Station AA (yes, we're missing a few in the middle), where I got the mother-load in Feb, so i'm ready. I'm doing a bunch of temperature experiments for Kristen (Hi KW!) on my coral larvae, as well as taking a round for more SEM, TEM and Histology, i'll also be keeping a bunch alive and trying to get them to Hawaii. That should be interesting......

Oh - and a positively balmy -2C today, and NO wind, so no wind chill. Woo hoo! We were all sweating underneath our layers taking mud samples today! 

Ps - Happy Birthday to Jon - sorry I missed it Friday, I thought it was this friday - dates just get scrambled out here!
Pps - LSULiv - That would be would the 80C right now too.....



Nicola said...

just got caught up. it is cool here, too. somewhere in the 60s. :) hee hee.

Anonymous said...

HIIIII! Not much going on in the Hole at the moment. Although a new burrito place opened up where the Naked Lobster used to that is exciting!

Phil Taylor is visiting WHOI today. I'll bounce a few (coral) ideas off of him for the Feb submission deadline.

Hope all your experiments are going well!