Thursday, January 3, 2008


So i've been here four days now, and I have to say am feeling overwhelmed and a little depressed. I'm trying to kick myself out of it, as how can you be depressed in Hawaii for f**ks sake? A combination of looking at poky little run-down apartments going for $1500 a month, getting lost numerous times around the city in my rental car and feeling like i'm never going to be able to navigate around here, the weather is mostly just grey and pouring with rain (I even got cold last night), a small insignificant bag of basic (nothing fancy) groceries cost me over $100, and just the constant traffic noise no matter where you are.

I know that looking for somewhere to live is always depressing, as you see twenty terribles then one good. And the prices are actually not far off Cape prices, but the space that you get for it is so much smaller, far worse condition, and nothing I looked at yesterday even had a square foot of space to garden in (alas my plans for a square foot garden might be going down the toilet).


Anonymous said...

You're right, it's all crap: come back to Britain immediately. Or give Norway a try...

Actually, don't do that. $100 for groceries is dirt cheap.

I don't suppose living out of the boot of a canoe is an option then. Some people sleep in their office. But then, they tend to have homes as well. In fact, the latter is usually the cause of the former... sorry, my happy thought tap has gone on strike. Must be Christmas that did it.

Hope you find something soon, sweetie! Hawaii may not be a paradise, but not everything is as delicious as Yelland!

RGW said...

Thanks Andy, you always know how to put things in perspective! Ah what I'd give for a wet, grey and rainy Devon right now!

Nicola said...

buy a van and park it near the base of a tropical waterfall.