Monday, February 4, 2008

Dr Waller

Back at work today, back to the grind, back to not being paid properly, not being able to print anything, not having a phone.........just continues.....oh well.....

I went to the stockroom today to pick up some supplies before I head to sea this weekend, first time I had been there so had to set up an account. After the third time of me being asked who my professor was and me saying "me" they finally got it and let me order things. Sometimes looking young really irritates me, yes I know it shouldn't, but being carded the whole time and no-one believing you're really faculty until you shove it down their throats really starts to piss you off...... 

It did feel good after that point though having the three ladies follow me around saying "Dr Waller, do you need another box?", "Dr Waller, can I help you find something?","What else do you need Dr Waller?".........I usually hate the Dr Waller thing, but after that, it did feel good.......:0)


kmw said...

I love it! I certainly don't know the "Dr." feeling, but I know the young feeling. It took at least 5 years at my job before people stopped asking if I was a student assistant. Yes, frustruating. But...on second first grey hairs have arrived this month and now I'm thinking the student identity wasn't necessarily so bad after all.

Nicola said...

oh god. i am envious. of both the young looking and dr. thing. i am happy with my life (ignore the i hate it comments on my blog), but i look wayyyy older than my years. 2 kids and eczema will do that to a person. damn it.

RGW said...

I don't know, i'm always told "I'm lucky" but it really is a double edge. To me it's better to look your age (or even over) and at least get the respect you deserve, rather than having to fight, kick and scream to get heard. Some people are so age-est it's ridiculous, but i've found esp. with older "male" faculty, it's very hard to be heard as an equal (let alone a better in some cases) and not just be dismissed as too young. It often takes me to repeat a comment several times over before I am heard and it recognised as a good idea. Sorry to generalise about the men there, up until recently I wouldn't have believe it......