Friday, February 29, 2008

Station F....and holding....

Lat - 67'S 02.32
Long - 69'W 55.04
Water Depth - 646m

We're at Station F and in a holding pattern, the weather has come on
down and it's too windy, wavy and wet out there for us to do any work
outside. The movies have apparently been pretty much non-stop all day
in the lounge. I just watched the end of Days of Thunder.....haven't
seen that one in a while! We're surveying right now for weather to
see if we can do some trawling - you can trawl in pretty bad weather
as it's not as sensitive to the swell as coring or using the camera -
so hopefully we will be able to get some work done on this shift. The
weather is set to get worse too, so it would be good to get at least
one trawl in before we get locked inside again......

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