Sunday, February 24, 2008

Station B

Lat - 64'S 47.41
Long - 65'W 24.51
Water Depth - 672m

We've just arrived on site at Station B, after a welcome 15hrs off of
sampling. We did a quick call into Palmer Station to pick up some
chemicals for someone (and alas I missed getting on the internet to
post more pictures as I was sleeping..!), we didn't actually pull in,
a zodiac whizzed over and picked up the loot, and we arrived on
station around an hour ago. The seas have been bumpy, so although I
don't go on watch for another 7hrs, I was awake so thought I would
take in breakfast and check on my coral babies to see how they
survived the transit.

Station B was sampled by this group last time they were here (2000),
so less surveying to do and jumping straight into sampling. We'll see
what Station B yields (by the way, we did another trawl at AA and I
got another butt load of corals.....woo hoo!).

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