Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who knew.....

Second day on-site at sample station B, i've just come off a really
busy shift - one box core and five mega-cores all in 12hrs.....more
mud than you can ever wish for.......if you like such things. We were
outside for pretty much the whole shift, hands in ice cold water
sieving mud and slicing, so my fingers have just about warmed up
after some lunch and a nice hot shower before bed. Stian is fast
asleep already, so i'm trying to type quietly....:0) Actually broke
out some hand-warmers today in my pockets, really glad I did, not
sure I would have survived without them.

One of the best things about todays shift though is that the sun came
out, the weather cleared (still a big swell) by 9am and who knew, we
can actually see land! When I say land, of course I mean ice and
snow, and maybe there is an island under there somewhere, but it was
an impressive site that the whole watch just sat in the sun for ten
minutes earlier to drink it in. Just to top off the end of the shift,
three humpback whales came and blew a bubble net right in front of us
(maybe 100m off), did the tail flip and side rolling too, was beautiful.

Nighty night!

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