Monday, June 15, 2009

Calculate your Greendex

Survey by National Geographic on how 'green' people are in different countries. USA and the UK have a long way to go - 

My "Greendex" is 57 - so above average for the UK or USA, but still more that can be done....


Nicola said...

oh, i will have to check this out tomorrow!
most people in the US could care less.
thanks for the link!

Nicola said...

i couldn't wait. i did it and it came out as a 58. in fact, i did it with our household as 4 people and as 5 people, and it was 58 for both.

RGW said...

Pretty cool huh. Has some flaws (eg - I have 3 rooms, but my square footage is less than 350 - so that must count), but a neat survey. I found it interesting that India is the best, and hope that with increasing westernization over there that doesn't change......