Thursday, June 5, 2008

Some Pix from the cruise

One of the many beautiful icebergs in the Scotia Sea - otherwise known as Iceberg ally for the number that drift on through the area. 

I finally got to play with some of the functions on my camera this trip. Here is Dann taking photos with his very fancy camera from the bridge deck. He got some wonderful pictures of icebergs, which if you haven't seen, you really should - take a look at the cruise website

The semi-final of the twister competition. When your at sea you work at least 12hrs a day, 7 days a week for as long as the cruise goes (and often more if your a PI!), which was 38 days on this cruise. Kathy was wonderful at providing entertainment, one of which was a twister board. Playing twister at sea provides an extra dimension - keeping balance in 40knot winds is really hard work! 

The one (or two) that got away. This is all we got back from a trawl lost on the seafloor, snagged by something and torn away from us, samples and all. 

The science tower, tallest part of the ship. 

Lights in the darkness. Taken from the bridge while on iceberg watch. Though larger bergs show up on the radar, the bridge still has to be extra careful at night so we don't hit any smaller bergs. The little flag at the bottom is the very bow of the ship.

The TowCam we deployed to take photos of the seafloor. 

One of our final sunrises, one of the (few) perks of being on the night watch (midnight to midday).

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