Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, we're in 2009, no going back now. My celebrations were low key, I had a lovely afternoon with Adam and Melissa at Ala Moana, having tea, chatting, wandering. Came back home, had a G&T or two, dinner, watched Shrek 2 on TV while doing some crochet, then the power went out at 9pm and didn't come back on until just after midnight (this time just our area rather than the whole island). 

It was really nice being at home, watched all the fireworks down the valley. Though I went to bed shortly after the power went out, you couldn't sleep through midnight here if you wanted too, just too many fireworks. There were so many at midnight there was a blanket of smoke all in the valley that even the rain couldn't compete with. Woken up to a very wet evening. 

It made me wonder, with so many fireworks going on on a small island, can you see all the fireworks from space, lighting up Hawaii like a Christmas tree on new years eve? They literally started at 8pm and didn't stop until well after 2am.......

The last sunset of 2008 down the valley. The rain held off and it was a beautiful one. 

As the power went out and the rain subsided more and more, the fireworks started

And this mornings damp and foggy sunrise.....but here it's quite plain to see....the end of the rainbow is Waikiki.....


kyllimarjaana said...

This time I started wondering , like you . SO MENY FIREWORKS !

Nicola said...

fabulous photos!