Monday, September 15, 2008

Playing around

Like the new template? Hate the new template? Let me know.

I felt like a change. A new start for what feels like my first real time in Hawaii. So after my sucky lecture and catching up at work with emails and mail, I took myself off to the new Hawaii Whole Foods. Oh how I love Whole Foods. I didn't buy much, as I didn't need much, but wandered through, got eggs, milk, bread and bananas, and took general note of what is there. It doesn't seem too bad price wise. If I find my receipt i'll post some prices for some basics see how it compares to the mainland. 

Then I headed home (this is 4pm at this I left work pretty early) and started the unpack and tidy cycle. First stop the new bathroom (which is now finished - woo hoo!) which needed a really good clean, building dust everywhere. Now as I sit in bed typing, the bathroom is unpacked (with just organising of drawers to happen at some point), 90% of my things from travel are unpacked and I even did a quick vacuum to get the major dust out of the way (major vacuum to happen once everything is unpacked). 

So I feel pretty proud of myself.........and have rewarded myself by playing with blogger for the last half an hour......


Nicola said...

why was the lecture bad?

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! First day of return, lecture, shopping, unpacking AND cleaning???!! Ahhh to be young!

Nicola said...

i like it. i changed mine too. fresh start needed...