Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tuna Casserole

An "at home day" today, i'm feeling less congested, but decided not to go on the hike. I got into cleaning up the house and didn't want to stop. I did lots of useful house things, so that was definitely good, and my house is now way more organised than it's been in weeks. I cleared out clutter, took the recycling to the recycle center, finished up a few more christmas craft projects, started to repair the swingseat, packaged up a ton of things i've been meaning to send to people, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the bathroom, sorted my quarter collections, made my 3rd attempt at lye soap, made bread and made tuna casserole (I can hear Stian going 'yuck' all the way from Antarctica....:0).

Tuna casserole is one of my favorite low cost, low prep, good nutrient meals that I love when i'm feeling coldy or if it's cold outside. I've been eating this version of it that works out to be less than $5 (would be less in any other state!) and lasts for 4 or 5 meals -

2 cups of whole wheat pasta
1 can of cream of celery soup
1 can of corn
2 cans of tuna
1/2 cup of frozen peas, broccoli or other vegetables (frozen or fresh)
1/4 cup breadcrumbs
tsp butter

Boil up pasta, put tuna, corn and vegetables in casserole dish, preheat oven to 450F, mix in hot pasta, mix in can of celery soup, fill soup can with water and add that in. Mix together well and put in oven for 15 minutes. Mix melted butter into breadcrumbs, sprinkle on top of casserole and put in oven for a further 15 minutes. Take out and serve.


Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens! This brings back a variety of memories since as a Catholic I was raised with meatless Fridays! Your version sounds wonderful--particularly if accompanied by a Guiness or a Newcastle Ale. A very quick version can be made with a box of Mac'n cheese and an addition of mushrooms as well--for those of us not allergic to mushrooms! A great addition to any version is a topping or crushed potato chips or canned french fried onions.

I do hope you are feeling better--especially in your de-cluttered, re-organized dwelling!

RGW said...

Ooo, love the idea of crushed potato chips (though my high cholesterol might not!) and a Guiness!

Amazing how less stressful it is being in an organised space, it really makes a difference for me when I take the time!

Nicola said...

oh, thanks! this sounds simple and good!

Anonymous said...

we just had it for din din tonight.

My family used to always have something similar camping, and i remember it always tasting so good. We used to use cream of mushroom, and skip the breadcrumbs. Let me tell you, the salty tuna, and the peas in the creamy noodles... yum. I distinctly remember eating it out of an aluminum pot at at crater lake, and it being so cold out, but the warm noodles tasting so good.

Tonight we substituted clam chowder for the celery soup... pretty good

Thanks for the memories

Mike C